Welcome - AfricaLead
Usaid Africa Lead Project
Scaling Up For Food Security In Africa
Africa Lead is Feed the Future’s primary capacity building program in sub Saharan Africa.
With a continent-wide focus, the Africa Lead program works to help realize Feed the Future’s and the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) goals of reduced hunger and poverty by building the capacity of indvidual champions, institutions and stakeholders to develop, lead, and manage the structures needed for African-led agriculture transformation and food security.
Africa Lead works with countries and regions to develop strategic long-term activities to strengthen African decision-makers, institutions, non-state actors and the private sector, all at the forefront of increased agricultural productivity and food security. Africa Lead has an office in the United States and a regional office in Ghana.
Members of the Savanna Integrated and Rural Development Aid Village Savings
and Loans Association (Africa Lead Grantees) at Kaligu- Ghana
A Catalyst for Learning and Leadership
Africa Lead concentrates on systems change as a catalyst and connector for learning and innovations in individual leadership behavior, institutional performance, the policy process and in strengthening engagement of civil society.
To advance African-led transformational change in the agricultural sector and improve food secuity, Africa Lead works at the continental, regional and national levels to strenghten:
- Leadership and Management Capacity
- Agricultural Investment Plans
- Mutual Accountability, Policy Dialogue and Advocacy
- Agribusinesses and Entrepreneurship
- Female Empowerment
- Youth Workforce Development
- Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation
Africa Lead II Impact
Individuals reached: 16,000
Trainings, conferences, meetings & workshops: 450
Organizations reached: 4,500
Participant countries (origin): 37
Mission Buy-ins: 14
Project Duration
Africa Lead is a cooperative agreement between USAID and a DAI-led Consortium.
The program runs from October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2019 and has capacity to accept Mission buy-ins.

2014 – 2017: $4,500,000
Key Staff Contacts
USAID/Washington Points of Contact:
Jeff Hill
Courtney Buck
USAID/Bureau for Food Security
USAID Regional Points of Contact:
Stephen Gudz
Candace Buzzard
USAID/West Africa Regional Mission
Implementation Points of Contact:
David Tardif-Douglin
Chief of Party
Tel: +1 301 771 7600
Carla Denizard
West Africa Deputy Chief of Party
Tel: +233 244 954784
Ruth Ndegwa/Paul Thangata
East and Southern Africa Office
Tel: +254 720 516 888