USAID/Ghana's Power Africa program signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Ghana for the second iteration of the Power Africa initiative. The signing ceremony took place following a high-level discussion between Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and several high ranking Ghanaian officials, including President Nana Akufo-Addo. The Memorandum commits USAID and the Government to work together to improve energy access in Ghana and to expand cooperation between the two governments to support Ghana's goal of increasing its supply of electricity to 4,900 megawatts by 2023 and to increase its electricity service rate to 90% by 2020.
Expected Result: Under "Power Africa 2.0," the USAID intends to increase its focus on access, transmission and distribution infrastructure, the necessary enabling environment for sustained private investment in the power sector, and facilitating African countries’ journey towards self-reliance. August 7, 2018 - Source: The Ghana Glance: USAID/Ghana