Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 5:
Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors
SCD Intermediate Results IR 1: Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs
Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs
Indicator 5: Number of BSPs that have improved management (score in percent) as a result of USG
assistance in the oil and gas, power and other related sectors
Is this an Annual Report indicator?No (End of project final report)
Precise Definition(s): This indicator counts all BSPs that have improved management as a result of SCD
Program support by an increase in percentage of assessment score in management areas (Strategic Planning; Human Resource(HR); Finance/Accounting; Marketing; Quality; EHS).
Unit of Measure: Number
Disaggregated by: Strategic Planning; HR; Finance/Accounting; Marketing; Quality; EHS
Type: Outcome
Direction of change: Higher=better
Rationale: All trainings and other support provided to BSPs should lead to management improvement as
an outcome. An improvement in management enables BSPs provide better trainings and consultancy services to SMEs which would in turn also need assistance in management areas
Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program
Data Collection Method: Site visits; the SCD Program team will first collect data on a BSP’s
management level using the assessment form for its baseline. Towards the end of the project the same assessment form will be used to collect data again on management level. Responses to questions in the assessment form will be scored and percentage difference will be recorded for both first and second (final) assessment. This is to determine if there has been any improvement in management by BSPs between baseline period and time of final evaluation. Scoring of BSPs through completion of assessment forms is done by at least two members of staff (mainly by M&E Associate and M&E Assistant as well as Client Relation Officers), after which, an average score recorded as final for each BSP.
Data Source(s): Assessment form
Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: baseline assessment and final evaluation
Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff
Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist and USAID/METSS
Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director
Location of Data Storage: The SCD Program shared drive, excel database, Salesforce, and file cabinet
Data Quality Issues
Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: TBD
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): TBD
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD
Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually
Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data
collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly
Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting
Data Analysis: SCD Program M&E Associate
Presentation of data:Table and narratives will be shared internally with the SCD Program team both in
Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders
Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate ; Project Director; and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team
Reporting of Data: Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global
headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID.
Other Notes
Notes on Baselines/Targets: For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. Baseline assessment for this
indicator is completed as of October 2016. There was delay due to earlier delay in submission of assessment forms by BSPs. The SCD Program has provided a report on this assessment. Target is set based on total number of BSPs assessed, continue to receive training, and expected to record a change in their management level. Target is only set for final year of project. It is expected that all BSPs receiving training would have management improvement.
This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016
Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 6:
Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors
SCD Intermediate Results IR 2:Improved capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises to meet industry supply requirements and standards
Sub IR SCD IR2.1: Enhanced capacity of SMEs in business management, procurement, standards and best practices in the industry
Indicator 6: Number of individuals from SMEs that have received USG supported training
Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY2014-FY2017)
Precise Definition(s):
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME): refers to any local/Ghanaian company, enterprise or business entity. Given that the oil and gas industry is quite new in Ghana; all locally owned companies interested in joining the supply chain are considered SMEs by the Program.
Training: as defined in PIRS 1
The number of individuals from SMEs that have received USG supported training will include any representative from aforementioned companies to whom training, as defined above, have been provided.
To avoid double counting at the indicator aggregation level, disaggregates (type of training) shall be non- cumulative if one individual from a SME attends more than one type of training
Unit of Measure: Number
Disaggregated by: Sex; type of training
Type: Output
Direction of change: Higher=better
Rationale: Given the high level of standards in the oil and gas and energy related sectors, building
capacities of Ghanaian SMEs increases the chances of local participation in supply of goods and services to the industry.
Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program
Data Collection Method: At any training program, participants will complete training attendance sheets
and any pre- and post-training forms. Client Relations Officers and M&E Assistant will be in charge of collecting data.
Data Source(s): Attendance sheets; pre- and post-training forms
Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: During each training
Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff
Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/ METSS
Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director
Location of Data Storage: SCD Program shared drive, Salesforce and Excel Database; file cabinet
Data Quality Issues
Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: September, 2014
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): TBD
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD
Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually, following initial DQA
Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data
collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly.
Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting
Data Analysis: SCD Program M&E Associate
Presentation of data: Table, Charts or graphs and narratives will be shared internally with the SCD
Program team both in Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders
Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate ; Project Director; and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team
to review data during program review
Reporting of Data: Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global
headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID
Other Notes
Notes on Baselines/Targets: For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. In addition to budget,
targets are determined based on number of SMEs identified to be trained.
This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016
Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 7:
Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors
SCD Intermediate Results IR 2: Improved capacity of SMEs to meet industry supply requirements and standards
Sub IR SCD IR2.1: Enhanced capacity of SMEs in business management, procurement, standards and best practices in the industry
Indicator 7: Number of industry-recognized certificates issued as a result of USG assistance in the oil and
gas, power and other related sectors
Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY 2014 – FY2017)
Precise Definition(s):
Number of certificates (as defined in PIRS 2) that are recognized in the industry, issued to individuals or companies after trainings, due diligence or any other related activity.
Certificates will include those related to welding; Environment, Health and Safety; Quality Management System, OHSAS; TRACE and any advanced technical training or related certificates (such as instrumentation, road safety, fire safety, NEBOSH etc.).
Indicator data shall be cumulative of disaggregates (type of certificate).
Unit of Measure: Number
Disaggregated by: Type of certification
Type: Outcome
Direction of change: Higher=better
Rationale: The prospects of an SME becoming supplier of goods/services in the industry are higher if it
has appropriate expertise, follow standards or best practices and importantly, relevant certification in that regard.
Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program
Data Collection Method: At any training program, participants will complete training attendance sheets
and any pre- and post-training tests. Based on attendance, overall engagement and passing scores in the
post training test, a trainer will make the determination whether to qualify an SME participant certification,
a record of which will be included in the trainer’s report. Alternatively, copies of certificates will also be collected.
With regards to company certification such as TRACE, copies of certificates issued will also be collected. Client Relations Officers and M&E Assistant will be in charge of collecting data.
Data Source(s): Training attendance sheets, pre-/post-training forms, trainer’s report, and copies of
Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: After each training or time when certificate is issued
Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff.
Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/(METSS)
Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director
Location of Data Storage: SCD Program shared drive, Excel database, Salesforce, and file cabinet
Data Quality Issues
Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: September, 2014
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):TBD
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD
Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually, following initial DQA
Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data
collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly.
Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting
Data Analysis: SCD Program M&E Associate
Presentation of data: Table, and narratives will be shared internally with SCD Program team both in
Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders
Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team
Reporting of Data: Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global
headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID
Other Notes
Notes on Baselines/Targets: For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. In addition to budget,
targets are determined based on number of individuals and number of SMEs expected to participate in such certification trainings or activities.
This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016
Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 8:
Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors
SCD Intermediate Results IR 2: Improved capacity of SMEs to meet industry supply requirements and standards
Sub IR SCD IR2.1: Enhanced understanding of SMEs in business management, procurement, standards and best practices in the industry
Indicator 8: Number of SMEs that have received and applied business tools as a result of USG support
Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY2014 – FY2017)
Precise Definition(s):
Tool refers to any application or technology received and applied by a SME to facilitate and enhance business activities. For example, an accounting software package. Other IT platforms (including but not limited to cloud sourcing and social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are considered under this indicator as long as the SCD Program facilitated use of them in any way.
Also, this indicator applies to any SME that, on its own, acquires such tools as a result of guidance or advice through any SCD Program intervention.
The assumption is that SMEs that receive business tools from the SCD Program are those that showed need for them and as such will apply them in their businesses.
To avoid double counting at the indicator level, disaggregates (by type of tool) shall not be cumulative if one SME receives and applies more than one type of tool.
Unit of Measure: Number
Disaggregated by: Type of tool
Type: Outcome
Direction of change: Higher=better
Rationale: Business tools will help facilitate SME operations leading to business improvement and
ultimately being competitive in the industry.
Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program
Data Collection Method: Site visits; SCD Program staff will follow up with SMEs for information on
tools received and applied. Each item will be documented in a site visit or tool development form.
Data Source(s): Site visit/tool development form
Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: At any time business tools are received and applied by SMEs
Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff
Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/METSS
Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director
Location of Data Storage: SCD Program shared drive, Excel database, Salesforce, and file cabinet
Data Quality Issues
Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: TBD
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):TBD
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD
Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually
Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data
collected and disseminated, the SCD Program M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly
Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting
Data Analysis: SCD Program M&E Associate
Presentation of data: Table and narratives will be shared internally with the SCD Program team both in
Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders
Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team
Reporting of Data: Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global
headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID
Other Notes
Notes on Baselines/Targets: For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. In addition to budget,
targets are determined based on number of SMEs showing need of application tools.
This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016