Rationale: The ability of SMEs including BSPs to win contracts from companies in oil and gas, power and
other related sectors in a competitive way will demonstrate that SCD Program interventions have been effective and ultimate goal has been achieved.
Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program
Data Collection Method: the SCD Program team will follow up with SMEs/BSPs for any contract won.
If possible, copies of contract document shall be collected.
Data Source(s): Follow-up form, Copy of contract document, if possible
Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: Annually
Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff
Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/METSS
Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director
Location of Data Storage: SCD Program shared drive, Salesforce, Excel Database and file cabinet
Data Quality Issues
Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: September, 2014
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):TBD
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD
Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually, following initial DQA
Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data
collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly.
Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting
Data Analysis: SCD M&E Specialist
Presentation of data: Table, Charts or graphs, and narratives will be shared internally with the SCD
Program team both in Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders
Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate ; Project Director; and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team
Reporting of Data: Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global
headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID
Other Notes
Notes on Baselines/Targets:For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. Targets established for this
indicator are what the SCD Program only hopes to achieve. It is difficult to set highly realistic targets for this indicator given the uncertainty of prospects in the industry and especially for SMEs as oil prices decline.
This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016