Video Uploads - User Guide

Video Uploads - User Guide

Created: February 28, 2018
Last modified:  

User Guide - How to Upload a Video to the eLibrary

Please follow the below steps to add your videos to the eLibrary:

  1. Add your videos to your Youtube account;
  2. Use 'Snipping Tool' or PrtSc on your keyboard to take a picture or screen shot of the video;
  3. Save the shot as an image;
  4. Click on 'Add' to add the video. This is similar to adding any document; the only difference is the selection of 'video' instead of report or presentation;
  5. Fill the title, description,etc and upload the image as shown below;
  6. Indicate the Duration and click on 'Source' as circled below. The page will be blank - the IFrame will show only after adding the link;
  7. Click on 'Source', Copy the below code and paste in the space;
    <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="240" src="" width="320"></iframe>
  8. Replace the circled part with your video's link on Youtube (embedded code);
  9. Add your tags if any. Ignore the Categorization section;
  10. Link it to any Related Assets e.g. Reports, Presentation, etc and Publish;
  11. After publishing, the below will display when opened. The video can be watched but cannot be downloaded.