Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS)...1 - 4

Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS)...1 - 4

Ghana Supply Chain Development Program - Performance Indicator Reference Sheets 1 - 4

Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 1:

Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors

SCD Intermediate Results IR 1:Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.1: Training and consulting skills of BSPs enhanced to provide quality training and consultancy services to SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs

Indicator 1: Number of individuals from BSPs that have received USG-supported training

Is this an Annual Report indicator? Yes (FY 2014-FY 2017)


Precise Definition(s):

Business Service Providers (BSPs): are companies, organizations, or consultants who provide training, advice, or any form of technical support to companies including small and medium enterprises for business development.

Training: with reference to ADS 253, is “the transfer of knowledge, skills, or attitudes (KSAs) through structured learning and follow-up activities, or through less structured means, to solve problems or fill identified performance gaps. Training can consist of long-term academic degree programs, short- or long- term non-degree technical courses in academic or in other settings, non-academic seminars, workshops, conferences, on-the-job learning experiences, observational study tours, or distance learning exercises or interventions.”

Under the Ghana Supply Chain Development (SCD) Program, trainings will therefore include general workshops, technical trainings, training of trainers, and also management trainings.

The number of individuals from BSPs that have received USG supported training will include any representative from aforementioned companies to whom training, as defined above, has been provided.

The indicator includes individuals from BSPs at any level (tiers 1, 2 and 3) and in various professional fields including but not limited to technical, management, enterprise development, marketing, and finance.

To avoid double counting at the indicator aggregation level, disaggregates (sex and type of training) shall be non-cumulative if one individual from a BSP attends more than one type of training

  1. Tier 1 BSPs= Capable of providing services immediately
  2. Tier 2 BSPs= Need low to moderate capacity building
  3. Tier 3 BSPs= Need significant capacity building to reach required standard of service

Unit of Measure:Number

Disaggregated by: Sex; type of training

Type: Output


Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 2:

Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors

SCD Intermediate Results IR 1:Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.1: Training and consulting skills of BSPs enhanced to provide quality training and consultancy services to SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs

Indicator 2: Number of individuals certified to deliver SME trainings and consultancy services as a result

of USG support to the oil and gas, power and other related sectors

Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY 2014 – FY2017)


Precise Definition(s):

Number of individuals that have received certificates through training (as defined in PIRS 1) or any other support to equip BSPs with training and consultancy techniques to serve SMEs effectively. An example is Training of Trainers.

To avoid double counting at the indicator level, disaggregates (by type of certificate) shall be non- cumulative should any individual receive more than one type of certificate.

Certificate: refers to any document or letter received by a participant (individual or company) proving successful completion of training or due diligence, or approval for delivery of activities.

Unit of Measure: Number

Disaggregated by: Sex

Type: Outcome

Direction of change: Higher=better

Rationale: The credibility and acceptance of a BSP by SMEs and the industry in general to deliver training

programs are higher if the BSP is duly certified. Once such certification is also recognized by industry players, it gives an indication that quality services will be provided. The certification also gives BSPs a competitive urge to offer services to targeted SMEs in the short and long term.

Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program

Data Collection Method: Participants will complete training attendance sheets and any pre- and post-

training tests. Based on attendance and passing scores in the post training test, a trainer will make the determination whether to qualify a BSP participant for certification, a record of which will be included in the trainer’s report. Alternatively, the SCD Program will collect copies of certificates indicating that participants are qualified to offer training or advisory service to SMEs. Client Relations Officers and M&E Assistant will be in charge of collecting data.

Data Source(s): Attendance sheets; pre- and post-training forms; certificates

Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: During every training

Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from the SCD Program staff


Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 3:

Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors

SCD Intermediate Results IR 1: Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs

Indicator 3: Number of BSPs that have received and applied business tools as a result of USG support

Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY2014 FY2017)


Precise Definition(s):

Tool refers to any application or technology received and applied by a BSP to facilitate and enhance business activities. For example, an accounting software package. Other IT platforms (including but not limited to cloud sourcing and social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are considered under this indicator as long as the SCD Program facilitated use of them.

Also, this indicator applies to any BSP that, on its own, acquires such tools as a result of guidance or advice through any SCD Program intervention.

The assumption is that BSPs that receive business tools from the SCD Program are those that showed need for them and as such will apply them in their businesses.

To avoid double counting at the indicator level, disaggregates (by type of tool) shall not be cumulative if one BSP receives and applies more than one type of tool.

Unit of Measure: Number

Disaggregated by: Type of tool

Type: Outcome

Direction of change: Higher=better

Rationale: Business tools will help facilitate BSP activities leading to business improvement and ultimately

delivery of quality training and consultancy services.

Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program

Data Collection Method: Site visits; the SCD Program team will follow up with supported BSPs for

information on those that have received and applied business tools. Each item will be documented in a site visit or tool development form.

Data Source(s): Site visit/tool development form

Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: At any time business tools are received and applied by BSPs

Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from the SCD Program staff

Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/METSS

Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director

Location of Data Storage: The SCD Program’s shared drive, Excel database, Salesforce, and file cabinet

Data Quality Issues

Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: TBD

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): TBD

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD

Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually

Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data

collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly


Performance Indicator Reference Sheet 4:

Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors

SCD Intermediate Results IR 1: Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs

Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs

Indicator 4: Number of business policies and procedures at different stages of development by BSPs as a

result of USG assistance

Is this an Annual Report indicator?Yes (FY2014 FY2017)


Precise Definition(s):

Business policy refers to any written document that spells out standards and best practices that a BSP aims to comply with. E.g. EHS policy

Procedures refer to any written document outlining steps to follow or activities to perform in order to operationalize standards and best practices. E.g. Safety Manual

The following stages will be tracked:

  • 1st Stage: initial drafts of documents
  • 2nd Stage: drafts under review
  • 3rd Stage: final document approved by BSP management
  • 4th Stage: application or utilization of business policy or procedures

Policies and procedures at only the highest stage completed during time of data collection will be reported on. Thus, each policy or procedures will be counted once (at only one stage) at a reporting time. As a result, disaggregates (stages) shall be cumulative.

Unit of Measure: Number

Disaggregated by: 1st to 4th Stages

Type: Outcome

Direction of change: Higher=better

Rationale: Business policies and procedures will help BSPs comply with industry standards leading to

quality and credibility of businesses and ultimately delivery of quality training and consultancy services.

Plan For Data Acquisition By the SCD Program

Data Collection Method: Site visits; the SCD Program team will follow up with supported BSPs for

information on development of business policies or procedures. Each item will be documented in a site visit or tool development form.

Data Source(s): Policy development form; Copies of business policies or procedures, if possible

Frequency/Timing of Data Collection: After any SCD Program support facilitating development of

business policies or procedures, items developed will be counted and recorded accordingly

Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Support from SCD Program staff

Individual responsible at USAID: AOR, USAID M&E Specialist ad USAID/METSS

Individual responsible for providing data to USAID: SCD Project Director

Location of Data Storage: the SCD Program shared drive, Excel database, Salesforce, and file cabinet

Data Quality Issues

Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: TBD

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): TBD

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: TBD

Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Annually

Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: To verify the quality and consistency of the data

collected and disseminated, the SCD Program’s M&E team will conduct annual data quality reviews. Through this review, we will assess the validity, reliability and timeliness of data. Based on the review, we will modify data collection methodology as needed and update the M&E Plan accordingly

Plan For Data Analysis, Review, & Reporting

Data Analysis: SCD Program M&E Associate

Presentation of data: Table and narratives will be shared internally with the SCD Program team both in

Ghana and PYXERA Global headquarters and also with USAID Ghana and other external key stakeholders

Review of Data: SCD Program M&E Associate ; Project Director; and PYXERA Global HQ M&E Team

Reporting of Data:Data and analysis of this indicator will feature in reports to PYXERA Global

headquarters and also quarterly and annual reports to USAID.

Other Notes

Notes on Baselines/Targets: For the SCD Program, baseline value is zero. Targets are determined

based on number of policies or procedures expected from BSPs to be trained in related areas.

This Sheet Last Updated On: October 18, 2016