Performance Indicator Reference Sheet - 11
Name of Develop Objective: To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.
Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management
Program Element EG.3.2: Agricultural Sector Capacity
INITIATIVE AFFILIATION: Feed the Future – IR 1 Improved Agricultural Productivity / Sub IR 1.1 Enhanced human and institutional capacity development for increased sustainable agriculture sector productivity
Name of Indicator-11: EG. 3.2-20 Number of private enterprises, producers organizations, water users associations, women’s groups, trade and business associations and community-based organizations (CBOs) that applied improved organization-level technologies or management practices with USG assistance
Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator? Yes, for all reporting years starting in FY17.
Precise Definition(s):
Total number of private enterprises (processors, input dealers, storage and transport companies) producer associations, cooperatives, water users associations, fishing associations, women’s groups, trade and business associations and community-based organizations (CBOs), including those focused on natural resource management, that applied improved technologies or management practices at the organization level during the reporting year. Organization-level technologies and management practices include those in areas such as
management (financial, planning, human resources), member services, procurement, technical innovations (processing, storage), quality control, marketing, etc. as a result of USG assistance in the current reporting year. Only count the entity once per reporting year, even if multiple technologies or management practices are applied.
Count the organization (enterprise, association, cooperative or CBO) applying an improved technology or management practice as one entity, and not as the number of employees or membership. For example, if a farmers' association incorporates improved maize storage as a part of member services, the application is counted as one association and not multiplied by the number of farmer-members.
However, if individual direct beneficiaries then use the association's maize storage service to improve the post-harvest handling of their production, they can be counted under EG.3.2-17 Number of farmers and others applying improved technologies.
Rationale: This indicators tracks private sector and civil society behavior change to increase agricultural sector productivity and aligns with Intermediate Result (IR) 1 Improved Agricultural Productivity and Sub IR 1.1 Enhanced human and institutional capacity development for increased sustainable agriculture sector productivity in the Feed the Future (FTF) results framework.
Indicator Type: Outcome
Unit of Measure: Number of enterprises.
Disaggregated by:
Type of organization (see indicator title for principal types)
Direction of Change: Higher is better.
Level of data collection: Activity-level, direct beneficiary organization
Data Source: Observation, activity records, etc.
Method of data acquisition by CSLP: The CSLP will receive data from CSLP staff and partners on a monthly basis.
Frequency and timing of data acquisition: Data will be received monthly from the CSLP and partner field staff.
Estimated cost of data acquisition: Staff time will be used to collect and analyze data therefore no additional expenses are anticipated.
Individual(s) responsible at CSLP: All CSLP staff.
Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP: M&E Specialist
Location of Data Storage: The data will be stored electronically in the CSLP office in Takoradi.
Data Quality Assessment: To be done on periodic basis
Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): N/A
Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: N/A
Data Analysis: The data will be analyzed and categorized into number of enterprises. This analysis will be done by the M&E Specialist every month during team monitoring meetings.
Presentation of Data: The data will be analyzed in tables and categorized into numbers of CBOs.
Review of Data: CSLP and the implementing partners will review and analyze the data at monthly / quarterly internal review meetings.
Reporting of Data: Annually reported
Notes on Baselines/Targets: New indicator added in CSLP phase II, therefore no data prior to FY17
Other Notes: