
Increasing Agriculture Productivity To Generate Opportunities

Increasing Agriculture Productivity To Generate Opportunities

USAID-funded Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement Project (FTF ADVANCE II) is a six-year project implemented by a consortium led by ACDI/VOCA that started in 2014. Read More

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USAID Projects

USAID Projects is an online knowledge management
resource that seeks to make data, information

USAID Agriculture Policy Support Project (APSP)

USAID Agriculture Policy Support Project (APSP) is an online knowledge management resource that seeks to make data, information

USAID Northern Ghana Governance Activity (NGGA) Project

USAID Northern Ghana Governance Activity (NGGA) Project

NGGA is a five-year USAID-funded project, implemented by a consortium led by CARE International in 28 districts

USAID Coastal Sustainable Landscape Project (CSLP)

USAID Coastal Sustainable Landscape Project (CSLP)

NGGA is a five-year USAID-funded project, implemented by a consortium led by CARE International in 28 districts

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