Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS) ... 11- 15

Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS) ... 11- 15

Performance Indicator Reference Sheet - 11

Name of Develop Objective:  To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.

Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management

Program Element EG.3.2: Agricultural Sector Capacity

INITIATIVE AFFILIATION: Feed the Future – IR 1 Improved Agricultural Productivity / Sub IR 1.1 Enhanced human and institutional capacity development for increased sustainable agriculture sector productivity

Name of Indicator-11: EG. 3.2-20 Number of private enterprises, producers organizations, water users associations, women’s groups, trade and business associations and community-based organizations (CBOs) that applied improved organization-level technologies or management practices with USG assistance

Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator?  Yes, for all reporting years starting in FY17.


Precise Definition(s):


Total number of private enterprises (processors, input dealers, storage and transport companies) producer associations, cooperatives, water users associations, fishing associations, women’s groups, trade and business associations and community-based organizations (CBOs), including those focused on natural resource management, that applied improved technologies or management practices at the organization level during the reporting year. Organization-level technologies and management practices include those in areas such as

management (financial, planning, human resources), member services, procurement, technical innovations (processing, storage), quality control, marketing, etc. as a result of USG assistance in the current reporting year. Only count the entity once per reporting year, even if multiple technologies or management practices are applied.


Count the organization (enterprise, association, cooperative or CBO) applying an improved technology or management practice as one entity, and not as the number of employees or membership. For example, if a farmers' association incorporates improved maize storage as a part of member services, the application is counted as one association and not multiplied by the number of farmer-members.


However, if individual direct beneficiaries then use the association's maize storage service to improve the post-harvest handling of their production, they can be counted under EG.3.2-17 Number of farmers and others applying improved technologies.

Rationale: This indicators tracks private sector and civil society behavior change to increase agricultural sector productivity and aligns with Intermediate Result (IR) 1 Improved Agricultural Productivity and Sub IR 1.1 Enhanced human and institutional capacity development for increased sustainable agriculture sector productivity in the Feed the Future (FTF) results framework.

Indicator Type:          Outcome

Unit of Measure:  Number of enterprises.

Disaggregated by:

Type of organization (see indicator title for principal types)

Direction of Change: Higher is better.


Level of data collection:  Activity-level, direct beneficiary organization

Data Source: Observation, activity records, etc.

Method of data acquisition by CSLP:  The CSLP will receive data from CSLP staff and partners on a monthly basis. 

Frequency and timing of data acquisition: Data will be received monthly from the CSLP and partner field staff.

Estimated cost of data acquisition:  Staff time will be used to collect and analyze data therefore no additional expenses are anticipated. 

Individual(s) responsible at CSLP:  All CSLP staff.

Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP:  M&E Specialist

Location of Data Storage:  The data will be stored electronically in the CSLP office in Takoradi.


Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):  N/A

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations:  N/A


Data Analysis:  The data will be analyzed and categorized into number of enterprises. This analysis will be done by the M&E Specialist every month during team monitoring meetings.

Presentation of Data:  The data will be analyzed in tables and categorized into numbers of CBOs.

Review of Data:  CSLP and the implementing partners will review and analyze the data at monthly / quarterly internal review meetings.

Reporting of Data:  Annually reported


Notes on Baselines/Targets:    New indicator added in CSLP phase II, therefore no data prior to FY17

Other Notes:



Custom Indicator Reference Sheet - 12

Name of Development Objective:  To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.

Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management

Name of Indicator-12:  C-1 Number of person hours of training completed in VSL modules and related financial trainings as a result of USG assistance

Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator?  No


Precise Definition(s): 

      This indicator uses the following equation to express the number of USG-supported training hours that were completed by training participants: (Hours of USG supported training course X Number of people completing that course). Its counts the training hours that were delivered in full or in part as a result of USG assistance and focuses on people who complete the entire training course.


      Training is defined as sessions in which participants are educated according to a defined curriculum and a set learning objectives. 


      The VSL modules include the adapted seven VSL training modules (group naming, leadership and election of management committee, setting of policies for social fund, loan fund and credit activities, development of constitution or by laws, first share purchase, first loan disbursement, loan repayment and share -out). Other related financial trainings include financial literacy trainings, good record keeping skills and SPM (selection, planning and managing trainings). Two monitoring sessions per training module should be counted as part of the training. Such monitoring visit are to reinforce the training and provide the necessary coaching.

Unit of Measure:  Number of person hours

Disaggregated by:  N/A

Justification & Management Utility:

       Lack of relevant trainings often leads to mismanagement and inefficient use of resources. Indeed, the failure of most livelihood ventures by local farmers could be traced to poor or no proper planning and management practices. Most farmers lack training on financial literacy and record keeping. Building their capacity will help them to undertake successful livelihood ventures to reduce their vulnerabilities. The VSLA as a community managed informal savings and lending group with the capacity to help members improve their living conditions and economic benefits. Each VSL module is unique and offers specific set of information. Completion of the modules and other related trainings position local residents, mostly farmers to develop a better savings culture and properly invest their resources. As most targeted farmers are part of the unbanked population, it is expected that after such trainings, most participants would later operate with more formal financial institutions.


Data collection method:  Most trainings will be organized for VSLAs at their respective meeting locations with each VSLA’s participants list used as the main data source.

Data Source: Participants List

Method of data acquisition by CSLP:  Data will be received from CSLP staff (especially the VSLA Specialist) as and when training occurs.

Frequency and timing of data acquisition: As and when training is conducted. Data will be reviewed on monthly and quarterly basis by the CSLP team.

Estimated cost of data acquisition:  Staff time to collect and analyze data.

Individual(s) responsible at CSLP:  M&E Specialist and Assistant Director

Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP: CSLP’s VSLA Specialist

Location of Data Storage:  Electronically on laptops and backed up in the google drive and/or Synology at the CSLP’s office. Hard copies of data  stored /scanned copies stored  in the google drive (where possible)


Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): Participants failure to thumb print or sign the participants list

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: Spot checks / Inspection of participants list at the training sessions by the CSLP staff

Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments:  There will be planned periodic/quarterly visits to VSLAs to identify individuals and interact with them to confirm that they are not being recorded more than once for a particular training module


Data Analysis: The data will be analyzed and categorized into location of VSLAs.

Presentation of Data: The data will be presented in charts and tables referencing to location of VSLAs and/ or by gender (males and females)

Review of Data: CSLP team will review and analyze the data at monthly and quarterly internal review meetings. 

Reporting of Data: The data will be presented in quarterly and annual reports


Notes on Baselines/Targets: 



Performance Indicator Reference Sheet - 13

Name of Development Objective:  To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.

Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management

Name of Indicator-13:  C-2 Number of community sensitization sessions on climate change issues and/or natural resource management (NRM)/biodiversity conservation as a result of USG assistance

Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator?  No. CSLP Custom Indicator.


Precise Definition(s):  This indicator tracks sessions that are informative or educational, such as meetings, community durbars, video presentations at night or other awareness creation/enhancing events with no defined curriculum or learning objectives or which involves large audience.  Participants at some of these gatherings (e.g. community durbars) are most times difficult to count and may be estimated.


     Climate change sensitization involves sessions that include components on mitigation, adaptation or sustainable landscape approaches to protect biodiversity and improve natural resources management that are needed in the face of a changing climate


     Conserving biodiversity and improving management natural resources are the set of actions that help to maintain the resources’ integrity and viability over the long-term, and that help preserve their potential to meet the needs of present and future generations. 

Unit of Measure:  Number of sessions.

Disaggregated by:  The data will be disaggregated by districts.

 Justification & Management Utility:  Behavioral change is crucial for the achievement of the development objective and requires strategic awareness raising / enhancing campaigns. This requires striving to reach more people through the most appropriate and effective means possible. In the project area’s rural communities, most people are illiterate and learn better through non-formal means such as videos, drama and direct interaction. When more stakeholders and individuals are aware of critical environmental issues, the possibility of contributing to good environmental practices is greatly enhanced. Involving the youth and women can also ensure that natural resources management decisions are embedded among all community members and incorporate the concerns of a much broader range of stakeholders.


Data collection method:  Data will be gathered from field events within the six districts and even outside the districts at regional and national levels. The data will be collected by the CSLP staff and partners. Where appropriate, for meetings or other informative sessions where the number of participants can be effectively counted, participants’ lists will be used. Due to the large number of people expected at programs such as durbars and video screenings, estimates (complemented by photos when possible) are most likely.

Data Source: The data will be from CSLP direct field activities as well as partner field activities such as fora, meetings, and community durbars.

Method of data acquisition by CSLP:  CSLP and partners will plan such events (per indicator definition) and appropriate data collection forms (e.g. participant lists where possible) will be used to provide the data for the CSLP.   Data will be received through weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews and reporting by CSLP technical staff and partner organizations.

Frequency and timing of data acquisition: The data will be generated as and when the events occur in the work plans of field staff of CSLP and partners.

Estimated cost of data acquisition:  Staff time will be used to collect and analyze data, therefore no additional cost for collection is foreseen. 

Individual(s) responsible at CSLP:  Assistant Director and M&E Specialist

Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP:  All CSLP staff conducting informative, education and awareness creation events.

Location of Data Storage:  The data will be stored electronically / hard copies will be filed in the CSLP office.


Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):  In most instances (e.g. community durbars) counting would not be possible and estimates would be used. This could lead to over or under counting. 

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations:  Conscious effort will be made to ensure that a well-defined / specific target group benefit from a specific awareness raising topic. In most cases, a community will not benefit from the same awareness enhancing event twice; unless the target audience are different.

Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments:  optional


Data Analysis:  The data will be analyzed according by district. 

Presentation of Data:  The data will be analyzed and presented in table format for reporting purposes and aggregated in narrative reporting. 

Review of Data:  CSLP and partner team will review and analyze the data during internal or activity-level reviews.

Reporting of Data:  On quarterly and annual basis


Notes on Baselines/Targets:  The targets were set based on activities implemented in FY2015

Other Notes: 



Custom Indicator Reference Sheet - 14

Name of Development Objective:  To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.

Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management

Name of Indicator-14:  C-3 Number of persons and institutions receiving start-up items for improved NRM/ biodiversity conservation as a result of USG assistance

Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator?  No


Precise Definition(s): 

       Start-up items for improved NRM/ biodiversity conservation are item(s)/tool/equipment to start-up beekeeping, climate-smart vegetable production, agroforestry, urban forestry, enrichment planting, woodlot, etc. Such items must have been supplied by the CSLP or its supply facilitated the CSLP. The indicator, thus, count individuals/institutions who have received one or more of such items. Any individual or group that receives different items for different interventions within a reporting year should only be counted once.



Unit of Measure:  Number of people and institutions

Disaggregated by:  Gender (Male and female) and for institutions, by type of institution (state and non-state)

Justification & Management Utility: Often, trainees are not provided with start-up items and this can erode the efficacy of training exercises and decreases the intended long-term impact of an activity. This is particularly evident when livelihood based trainings for the rural poor are mainly theoretical and not backed by the provision of start-up kits. The situation makes significant number of trainees unable to implement specific interventions to receive the maximum benefit. However, the usefulness of such trainings better manifest when the necessary start up tools are made available to the trainees. Such items serve as capital for the trainees and has the capacity to assist them enhance their economic benefits.


Data collection method:  The data will be gathered from distribution list/delivery acknowledgement forms of start-up items directly linked to NRM and biodiversity conservation.

Data Source:   Distribution list/delivery acknowledgement forms

Method of data acquisition by CSLP:  CSLP will procure such start-up items to deserving trainees. Once supplied, delivery acknowledgment forms will be used to record details of the items and the recipient, and the data made available to the CSLP by its staff. Deserving trainees refers to farmers who complete the entire course and meet other requirement. E.g. Completes beekeeping 101-104 and reserve a secondary forest patch for apiary. Some farmers may attend the training but not ready to reserve their secondary forest for that.

Frequency and timing of data acquisition:  The data will be generated as and when start-up items are supplied to persons and institutions.

Estimated cost of data acquisition:  CSLP staff time will be used to collect data at no additional cost to the project

Individual(s) responsible at CSLP:  Assistant Director and M&E Specialist

Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP:  NRM/Community Benefits Specialists, Supervisory VSLA Specialist

Location of Data Storage:   The data will be stored electronically / hard copies will be filed in the CSLP office.


Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations:  None planned at present

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):  None known.


Data Analysis.  The data will be disaggregated by items received within districts and according to gender (male/female), youth/adult.

Presentation of Data:  The data will be presented in table format for reporting purposes and aggregated in narrative reporting. 

Review of Data: CSLP and partner team will review the data during internal or activity-level reviews; mostly on monthly and quarterly basis

Reporting of Data:  The data will be reported in quarterly and annual reporting


Other Notes: 



Custom Indicator Reference Sheet - 15

Name of Development Objective:  To promote low emissions development in Ghana’s Western Region by strengthening community-based natural resource management and monitoring.

Name of Related Output: 1: Increased incomes from livelihood diversification, 2: Improved environment and natural resource management

Name of Indicator-15:  C-4 Number of tree (seedlings) planted and surviving in towns/villages as a result of USG assistance

Is this a USAID Annual Report indicator?  No


Precise Definition(s):  Number of trees planted refers to indigenous and exotic tree seedlings supplied by CSLP to institutions, groups and individuals that have been planted and/or growing in towns and villages including farmlands and mangrove planted. The definition may be extended to trees planted from other sources other than CSLP but motivated my CSLPs training and sensitization activities relating to urban forestry.


Unit of Measure:  Number of tree seedlings planted and surviving.

Disaggregated by:  N/A

Justification & Management Utility: The number of trees planted is a global indicator for tree planting especially in urban environments. This has a direct bearing on amenity, aesthetic and carbon sequestration values in urban areas. As urbanization is on the rise in Ghana, and particularly the six coastal districts of the Western Region, tree greenery has disappeared (along with the amount of carbon being sequestered) reducing the trees moderating incidence of urban heat pockets and other benefits.


Data collection method:  A data collection form will be used to capture individuals, groups and institutions that receive seedlings from CSLP. The specific number of seedlings collected and the site where planting took place will be recorded. The number of seedlings supplied to groups, institutions and individuals and verified by CSLP staff as successfully planted. Their survival will also be recorded at periodic intervals.

Data Source: Seedlings delivery acknowledgement signed by recipients at all levels; CSLP seedling monitoring form.

Method of data acquisition by CSLP:  CSLP will receive data through monitoring visits and observation of planted seedlings on sites where seedlings have been planted. This will help to know the number of trees surviving.

Frequency and timing of data acquisition: The data will be generated during seedling planting activities but reviewed semi-annually.

Estimated cost of data acquisition:  Staff time will be used to collect and analyze data. In some instance, partner agencies will help in data acquisition.

Individual(s) responsible at CSLP:  Assistant Director and M&E Support staff.

Individual(s) responsible for providing data to CSLP: CSLP’s NRM/Community Benefits Specialist

Location of Data Storage:  The data will be stored electronically and hard copies also filed in the CSLP office by the M&E Support staff.


Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any):  There could be counting or inclusion of existing/already growing trees on the particular site where an individual / institution would want to plant seedlings received from the CSLP.

Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: CSLP team will liaise with seedling recipients (individuals and institutions) to complete a form that details already growing tree on the specific sites (noting the street names) where CSLP seedlings will be planted.

Data Quality Assessment:  To be done on periodic basis

Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments:  Review of monitoring forms


Data Analysis. The data will be analyzed according to location (district, town name, street name), species and number of seedlings planted and/or surviving

Presentation of Data: The data will be analyzed and presented in table/charts format for reporting purposes and aggregated in narrative reporting

Review of Data:   Data will be reviewed annually.

Reporting of Data: The data will be reported in annual reporting through tables and through narrative information


Notes on Baselines/Targets:  More demand for tree seedlings by individuals and institutions

Other Notes: