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USAID Fisheries and Coastal Management Capacity Building Support Project
The capacity of most African nations to fully utilize their coastal and marine assets, while sustainably conserving them from degradation, is limited due to low human resource capacity and lack of infrastructure. Unsustainable fishing practices, overexploitation, pollution of coastal ecosystems, impacts of offshore oil and gas industries, weak enforcement of regulations, lack of education, training, research, data gathering and analysis, and low government vestments are some major confounding factors.
The United States of Agency for International development (USAID) has committed U.S. $5.5million to the implementation of a capacity building program for fisheries and coastal management in Ghana. The objective of this five-year project (October 2014- October 2019) is to strengthen capacity for sustainable fisheries and coastal resources management. The project contributes to the Government of Ghana’s fisheries development objectives and USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative. USAID has selected the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) at the University of Cape Coast as implementer of the project. The project aims to strengthen the capacity in developing and providing quality and relevant educational programs, practical research and advisory services that will support the management of the fisheries and coastal resources on the sustainable basis to enhance the nation’s social and economic development
Project Duration
2014 - 2020
Strategic Approach and Outcomes
The five-year (2014-2019) USAID and UCC Partnership Project contributes to the Government of Ghana’s fisheries and coastal development objectives and USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative.
Implementation Letter
No.: 641-A18-FY14-IL#007
Implementing Partner
University of Cape Coast
The following key outcomes are expected at the end of the five years:
- Improved infrastructure for training and research
- Increased scientific knowledge for policy & technical advisory services
- Increased marine and coastal research and resource assessments
- Improved communication, and outreach on fisheries & coastal issues
- Improved fisheries and coastal livelihood outcomes
- Established and operationalized Centre for Coastal Management (CCM)
- USAID Funding: US$5,500,000
- UCC Counterpart Contribution: US$ 1,800,000

Key Staff Contacts
Dr. Denis W. Aheto Dr. Noble K. Asare Mr. Justice Odoi