Goal: Increased competitiveness of Ghanaian businesses in oil and gas, power and other related sectors
SCD Intermediate Results IR 1:Improved capacity of Business Service Providers to serve SMEs
Sub IR SCD IR1.1: Training and consulting skills of BSPs enhanced to provide quality training and consultancy services to SMEs
Sub IR SCD IR1.2: Enhanced organizational management capacities of BSPs |
Precise Definition(s):
Business Service Providers (BSPs): are companies, organizations, or consultants who provide training, advice, or any form of technical support to companies including small and medium enterprises for business development.
Training: with reference to ADS 253, is “the transfer of knowledge, skills, or attitudes (KSAs) through structured learning and follow-up activities, or through less structured means, to solve problems or fill identified performance gaps. Training can consist of long-term academic degree programs, short- or long- term non-degree technical courses in academic or in other settings, non-academic seminars, workshops, conferences, on-the-job learning experiences, observational study tours, or distance learning exercises or interventions.”
Under the Ghana Supply Chain Development (SCD) Program, trainings will therefore include general workshops, technical trainings, training of trainers, and also management trainings.
The number of individuals from BSPs that have received USG supported training will include any representative from aforementioned companies to whom training, as defined above, has been provided.
The indicator includes individuals from BSPs at any level (tiers 1, 2 and 3) and in various professional fields including but not limited to technical, management, enterprise development, marketing, and finance.
To avoid double counting at the indicator aggregation level, disaggregates (sex and type of training) shall be non-cumulative if one individual from a BSP attends more than one type of training
- Tier 1 BSPs= Capable of providing services immediately
- Tier 2 BSPs= Need low to moderate capacity building
- Tier 3 BSPs= Need significant capacity building to reach required standard of service